The last couple of weeks have flown by in a frantic DIYing, designing, decorating frenzy! Everyone has mucked in to get this place ship shape before the big day.
My talented cousin Katharine has created this fabulous sign to begin the countdown to opening! It’s proudly displayed in our window with some sellotaped on fairy lights!
Our friend Alex Parry has volunteered his carpentry skills to make the most of our space, helped David with much of the painting, and even tidied our mess of electrical cables into a very satisfying labelled system.
David and his stepdad have fashioned a lifting hatch to separate the front counter space from the kitchen. It looks oh-so professional!
The furniture is almost all in, David has been nifty and sourced kitchen worktops from Ikea to act as our shop counter. He has haggled and bartered his way into getting a decent and very reasonable kitchen sorted, using second hand, and ex-display items wherever possible. He was most excited about the GINORMOUS mixer which is now towering over the kitchen. This will be used to make cake mix on mass!
David and his mum designed our clever new logo to represent The Cake Architect Brand. My Dad has tidied up the graphics and we have ordered two enormous prints of it to decorate the shop.
We’ve also had our name hand painted on the front of the shop! The excitement is tangible!
With just a few more days to go, David and I are in a constant state of simultaneous excitement and exhaustion. I plan to take Friday off work to blitz this place to make sure it’s all ready for Saturday!
Now begins the baking – David will need a stock of cakes to start selling, as we have no idea how many people will turn up…
Esther x